Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dating Tips for Girls

  1. Know your worth and respect yourself. Put yourself on the highest bar so he can respect and treat you at that bar
  2. If he gives up too quickly or doesn’t try hard enough, chances are he doesn’t know your worth as of yet either! The kick!!!
  3. If he grabs you on first date, or touches your bum/boobs chances are you aren’t the only one nor does he respect you any higher: either he needs prescription hand cuffs…or the BOOT!!
  4. Etiquette towards others, his attitude to a waitress or his friend or even YOUR friend by any means is rude is UNACCEPTABLE. Never mind that one day he will come off 10x worse towards you once you get comfortable.
  5. Work is important but your time is also important, if he can’t distinguish that then obviously let him date his career instead. ..THE BOOT!!!
  6. If he stops being affectionate or compliments after first month...out!- every man should always acknowledge u as the most beautiful woman in the room, in EVERY room! My aunt once said a man should “Love the air that you breathe, and respect the wind that blows in your hair”…yes old fashion but why not!
  7. When you ask for something ie: your choice of dinner, your choice of dessert, game, etc and do not receive in beginning- you will NEVER receive. Cut it loose while you can!!!
  8. If he honestly does like you and does want to spend more time with you, don’t get scared, but rather take it as opportunity. But also let him know you are a busy woman and have your own life on the side too, so then your time is just really precious!
  9. If you inner instincts tell you something is not right and you deserve better, speak out and confront it right away. Otherwise you will waste his time and your precious moments!
  10. If you want to wait and to have relations, then he has to want to wait to enjoy that magical moment too. Don’t fall for any lines, “anyways we are going have sex one day so what’s the big deal when it’s going to happen.” Or “stop being a little 16 yr old girl,” .. It is a big deal buddy because I want to know if I actually like you first!
  11. Always take notice of any signs of jealousy, which conclude to insecurity, which in turn can sabotage any normal relationship! If he doesn’t understand tell him he has a chronic sickness and needs medication! Otherwise the CURB!!!

This article was written by Dessi (my sister in law) and by the way, she's part of

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